I fucking love these simple hooks with one or two of my beads (which I also fucking love) but they have not been selling?
Look at these amazing teardrop findings I *ahem* found. The only thing is they're gold plated which I never do, maybe that's what my buyers object to?
Making these has made me re-fall-in-love with my beads. But it's cool whatever doesn't sell I'll give to my cousins when I see them in Uruguay in a month.
I just now put up an assortment of resin charm/pendants in the shop. I've been experimenting with making them using beads as walls for the resin.
Which left me with resin everywhere so next I tried using this putty slime to make the walls.
Which worked pretty well, except that the slime shrinks as it dries so next I'm going to try actual silly putty since it's not water based. That way I can set everything up one day and do the actual pour the next if necessary.
In any case, been really enjoying making them.
Here I used brass teardrops for bead pairs.

Clear bubbles for my bathing beauty. All the beads pretty well combined to the pic, except in my Mary and child they look wonky on the right side. Oh well, still good.
You know I gotta make a bracelet connector despite all the inherent difficulties. It's just so perfect for a long image that you'd hate to break up.
Then of course photos are a bitch.
Here are some of my originals that are already sold.
Of these actually the hand in the upper right is still available. I liked how it looks like it's gripping the ring that will go through the hole.

And of these, nipple hand is still available. Whoda thunk?
It's from this famous painting I'm sure you know:
And finally, this sold out group right here is what taught me that I didn't actually need to bother with brass backs if I'm using other stuff for the walls.
So basically I'm developing a new rustic resin bezel and will soon make my own tute obsolete since this is much easier. Which means Imma hafta make a new tutorial! Crap.
I even found a way to use my palm prints to mattify the surface so I don't have to spend years buffing! At one point I thought using the heel of my foot was even better- you can apply the force directly- but my bare feet or socks are way too dirty. Ended up having to buff away grime instead!
I also just now listed these sets, with hollow aluminum foil cores.
These are very fat babies. I wasn't going to list these until maybe the first pairs of earrings I showed abovesold out, but then they never sold. Even though I think they're fucking awesome.
Whatever. I know what I like and external validation feels great but isn't so essential.
Yeah those rings also have crumpled aluminum cores and were a pain to make.
Look at this pretty girliness with the shaded honey opal heishi.
This is actually the face of the nipple pinch painting.

Fang= tough guy, crotchet lace cap= girly girl.
You know me and the yin yang balance of opposites thang.

Ok this is actually a remake of a pendant featuring a dichroic glass cab. I realized the gleam and wonder of the glass was too... available.

And my whole thing is looking through the first matte layers to the gleam undernearth. That's what my starry shards tute is about.

So I sanded the crap out the surface, then added some blotches of paint. I'm thrilled with it. Also that thick chain was a handmade gift from InLumina. Also vintage garnet and my own polybabies.
The medallion here was once the top of a trinket box.I switched the cheapo cab for a big sexy rhinestone. So but this sold. But guess who bought it? My MOM! Idk, I think she's getting into my stuff cuz she sees it so much more since my Instagram feed shows up on her Facebook. But all her jewelry is super conservative? She also bought the big necklace with the compass and fang which I really don't see her even wanting to pull off but ok.
I had so much fun making some small simple earrings.

I think this is maybe where my minimalist kick started.
I love these. They're all sold.
Check the nail decals all sorta piled on top of each other.
The blue beads are some kind of ancient.
I think I already shared these enamel discs by InLumina which I added nail decals to.
Spotted balls all gifts from Teapotsandtelephones, except for the artisan caps.
So yeah I got all into the minimalism and made this series first.
Which, again, I adore but have not been selling great.
But again, I know I love them so lack of tons of external validation will not kill me. This time.
I'm still squeeing over the little details.
Something about smallness lately.
Have I been staring obsessively at dollhouse miniatures lately? Yeah, what of it?

OK this one is special because it was a total experiment. I took all these different polymer veneers I've managed to come up with and applied them to this vintage bracelet base. Hinged! (Thank you SacredCake for the gift.) Thing is the pitted faux ancient veneer you have to develop after you apply it, and then finish it when it's all cooked which could mess up the veneers to either side so I didn't know what to expect. But it got a great reaction on Instagram-external validation! Also it was my first attempt at mica shift- that gold section that looks ridged but is actually flat.
Phew that's a lotta stuff.

Oh I listed these but then decided they'd make great minimal earrings so I took them down. But now that things aren't selling I don't know. On the other other hand I could use these for cousin gifts.

I've been posting some WIP
Random filthy studio shot.
I spent three weeks taking care of my parents' cats with Mr. Devices while they visited their California grandbaby. Learned I'm actually super allergic. But how can you refuse these faces?
What else? Went to a rally. (It's true there's a liberal bias in cat news.)
So I made this sign. Mr. Devices said it was dumb so I was a little self conscious about it. Then I got there and I was photographed like a thousand times. It was a huge hit and I felt like a rockstar. I was ready for the next demonstration so I could show off my sign some more. Later he tells me the reason he thought it was dumb was because it didn't rhyme! I'm like you idiot that's the chants. Signs aren't supposed to rhyme, chants are! My poor baby is such a dummy. On the other hand the back of the sign reads HUMAN DECENCY but until Mr. D pointed it out, it read HUMAN DECECY and I'd been looking at it for hours. My poor self am such a dummy.
So then I posted this which included a comment I'd gotten on the previous post and my response. And poor nearlylost trapped in this serious conversation with her ridiculous comment!
OK, this was such a long post I'm not actually gonna add any animals it's too much ...
Well, maybe just these...
And these are so cute I can't resist...
And you have to watch this it's very important.