
New Items in Shop

I finally got some pretty decent pics of some new things, and was able to list these in the shop.  I've been going to more meetings than I thought were humanly possible to survive, however, so I have fallen far, far behind on my projects.  My boss doesn't ask if we want to put in 6 extra hours a week at "training" pay (teachers only get paid their teaching salary for the class hours, all prep and test making/grading/evaluations/etc. are just slave labor.)  "Training" pay is less than half our normal wage- though sitting through a meeting w/him is much more grueling than any teaching I've ever done.... wait.  What was this post about?  Oh, yeah, my boss makes the hair on my arm stand on end.  That was the point of this post.

As you can see, a couple of bright spots among a lot of grey grey grey.  the color ones aren't really my focus now, I want the timeless ancient grey-black look.  But I have these lovely color elements which I feel I should use...  But is that then detracting from my overall shop mood?  Not as unified.... Hmm...

1 comment:

Penelope said...

I've been wanting the grey, ancient thing too- I've been trying to get it for ages but it slips my grasp. I was to go so much simpler than I am now, with dusty, musty colours. Blackboards, cobblestones, fire ash...