So here's more of the lariats I was talking about.

And I realized that I was putting off listing the stuff from last post and it was because I wasn't happy with that one piece. You gotta listen to your subconscious.
Here's one using a ring I've had for a wile and never could find a good use for.As you can see, lots of simple, thin salvaged chain, ...
Oh also, the universe has been conspiring to keep me away from my 'puter and my makings for the last 3 or so days. Aka, the weekend. Aka, weekend doings with the fam. Aka, leave me alone I need to list shit!
A resin piece, a stone and a medal is the basic idea, with variations.

Lots of variations.
Meanwhile, you should all go check out this post on ShipwreckDandy's blerg, along with comments. Something about her soothes me: she just has zero issues about being completely different from anyone. Reading about how she does her thing made me realize I'd been fretting about unsold items again and how I need to just let that shit go.

Here's a little baby.
So I was explaining it to my mom, "It's because of my shop quote I always use..."
And she interrupts, "Oh ya ya, I know, I know. Is.... umm... " She gestures out towards the street, "'If you like dis seengs.... you are from oder planet."
So that pretty perfectly sums up my mom's feeling towards everything I do, snarf, cackle, snort.

A Difficult Child.
Whatevs, got some shit listed finally.

Praise the Women.
Lots of the resin pieces are going as charms or pendants.

Adam and Eve.
Or earring pairs.

The Courtship.
I still have tons I haven't finished or photoed. Me and my insane batches.

Animal Companions.
Here's an animal pair, could also be bracelet links.

The Faitful.
Some nuns for ya.

The Ladies.
Some Vermeer.

The Mothers.
These chicks.
And I finally listed these:

The Lightless Sector. The Sweet Babes. Rome.

Frail Deeds Dance. Red Moons. Romans.
I'm also putting some pieces that have been around too long on deep discount. If they don't sell, they're out, so snap 'em up if you want 'em.

Sale. La Exploradora. Sale. All-Seeing Love. Sale. The Mother.

OH! If you have a blog you'd like me to look at, perhaps for inclusion on my blogs list which I have neither checked nor really refreshed in a long time, please convo me or leave a link in the comments. I feel like I've abandoned lots of you guys, idk.
i made a bottle cap tonight that i adore beyond words, but i made one the other day that could have potential, yet i hated it! even though it was purple! so, yeah, know what ya mean. if it doesn't sit right, it's gotta go onto a new realm. pitched or reworked. i etched this one and realized i didn't like the etching. poof! gone.
Love all your pretties, and yes... like that first one better without the arm. the arm was cute, but... eh. lol
LOVE the tattoo... I'm still being wussy over getting one. I keep telling myself I'll do it for my birthday this year... and I've been saying that fr like six or seven years now LOL
Oh, I can totally tell you how to fix that blogger issue .. change your bog background colour. It's only darkening your photos because your blog is white.. it's trying to keep them from blending into the background.. even if that's what you want ;)
Hey I'd love you to look at my blog. My work is at the same time quite different to yours in style, but similar to yours in principle. Hence I love to read the blogs of other assemblage designers - we are a small community but hopefully I'll meet some other who work in the same style:
your mommy is funny and adorable
like you...
love the resin stuff ...
I love these lariat necklaces! I've been tempted to make some thinner necklaces too to have some variety as well....arrghhh! so much to do, so little time...
I do have a blog, thanks for letting me mention it, I didn't want you to feel like I'm spamming your comment box ;-)
Oh your creative frenzies leave me breathless. New theengs new ideas new techniques. I kinda think of you flitting around everywhere - lika a humming bird on crack
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