
penny and pine

Lovely new treasury by love art works.

This piece was featured.


Anonymous said...

Hello..I love this piece! I just bought some of your pieces this morning and asked if you had a blog...well ding bat here found it after finally reading your intro...ding ding!! Love your blog!!The things you got blogspot to do? I had such a hard time I moved to wordpress, beacuse I could change photos around, and play a bit more. I am at mariefrench.wordpress.com. Anyhow I love your blog!!and of course your store. I am saving up for the Hymn necklace with the bone...Your work is really lovely, creative,and I love your narrative!! Big huge blessings for the New Year! marie

essay best said...

Ok this is something which took to me stone age when ladies tend to have jewellary like this. Good post, thank you for sharing it with us