Cairn Stones
I named them Cairn Stones because of a comment by autena saying that's what they looked like. Which thank you for saving me the trouble! Well, first I had to look up cairns to make sure I remembered correctly what that was. But because of that comment and that name, I ended up driving myself mental trying to balance these little stacks that kept toppling over, then photoshopping out the wires they were strung on to keep them up. Ah the life of an arteest.
I made another textile cuff that I'm pretty thrilled with:

Tattered Hopes
It's the collage-ness of it all that I just love so much. I wish I had more really old rough worn out appliqués like the floral one you see left of the paisley bullion one. If you have any like that send me a pic on etsy, I'll make you an offer. A probably offensively low offer.
Also can I take a moment to bitch about having to photoshop my manly arm hair out of these bracelet pictures? Sometimes hair by hair? I don't personally mind cuz I'm macho and it looks good when I'm hefting logs across the tundra as I do, but my pix need no such distractions.

Oh I was gonna show you all the dainties I made.

An inviciti pewter bezel. It's a lot easier when the bezel's already made, y'all.

Look at the gem drop there. I don't even know what stone it is but drool, right? Also those two cabs are actually broken sugar beads. Instead of tossing them, I bezeled them cuz I'm clever.

I've been taking these pix from farther away. You get a better idea of the scale, even though my mannequin is super skinny and petite because society. No hairy arms on her I tell ya. She's so feminine she doesn't even have arms!

A Conversation in the Garden
An eclectic trio of focals. You know I was tempted to call this one Adam and Steve.

This enameled headpin and the one in the previous necklace were handmade gifts from the lovely Suzy Frank who recently sent me a bunch of enameled gorgeousness. She just opened her own little shop!

This Moment
Going through and removing all bullion out of things. Which is cool cuz like here I replaced it with swoon-worthy matte gold chain. Still lovin' the matte gold.

This one changes with the light because the profile is pasted right on the bare brass of the bezel. Metal reflects light etc. Bare brass bezel. Pretty pewter pendant. Large grit gold glass glitter. Ha.

A Quiet Conscience
Oh another reason I don't mind my failed bullion experiments is that I finally tried actually sewing with it and it was awesome! See cuff above. And not hard at all. So now I don't feel wasteful with the stuff I got even though it was only like a dollar for three meters. It's a mental thing. I have all kinds of mental things. I'm a mental thing.

Sigh No More
Here's another inviciti. I purpled it up so I could use some of my purple elements with it.

I addd a tiny touch of Perfect Pearls but then I didn't like it and used chalk pastel instead. That way you get the color without all the reflection.

Ever Young
I adore this one but I think it might not sell because it's a boy and ladies want images of girls. Because we're all a bunch of lezbos. But no really, look how beautiful this image is, and how gorgeously it fits into this beautiful rectangular bez. I also made the chain using these amazing tiny lamp work jump rings omg look at them! Look at them more.

Also, see how differently cool it looks once you engage the extender chain? "Differently cool" and "engage the extender chain" are two phrases I'm going to try to get all the kids to start using.
Do you notice how often I get distracted by my own words? Like, what is that? Just the other day I read that grammar nazi-ism is a type of OCD. It's totally true! Logically I know it doesn't matter if it's your or you're because everyone understand each other anyway, but it's like this impossible compulsion you have to just blurt out. So distracting and stupid. Also no one will thank you for correcting them. It doesn't matter but it's so distracting I can't continue unless I point it out I'm so annoying! I'm a mental thing.

Come What May
Btw, most of these dainty pieces come with cool little quotes you can read in the listing descriptions, if you're curious about the names. I kind of discovered some lesser known Shakespeare ones I really dug.

OK ok. But that's not all! Cuz guess what I made a butt load of inspiration kits using brand new resin pendants. Oh yeah baby.

Pink Lover’s Eye
Almost messed up and called this one Pink Eye. Ew. Anyway- aren't these cool?

Dark Woman
I think this is my very favorite. Look at this awesome chick. Even the sections of body I was able to frame: gorgeous- and without showing any naughty bits! I even like this collection of items the best I think. Maybe. They're all my babies and I love them all of course.

Winter Dancer
A close-up of the face of Degas' famous ballerina.
Middle right you can see these cool-ass beads I got. They're old lampwork that someone had the brilliant idea of sand etching for a cool-ass dusty finish. I have a bunch so I added the girlier ones to the kits.

Dark Eye
I had some really large art to work with, ergo really large bezels. Here I tried using some bullion in a sort of frame because of a comment by Lisa Bommarito. Of course she suggested to unravel bits into corkscrews and add that which I still have to try. I do like this along the edge though cuz edges can be tricky. Sometimes you can see where the paper meets the brass wall. I don't mind that at all but I always thought it looked kind of meh in pictures. So this is a way of taking care of that. I think I'll try one where I add the bullion at the bottom before the first resin pour so I can get it right up against the edge.

I learned that if you add a third pour to make a very domed bezel you end up with a magnified image and that also takes care of the edge, as you can see here.

Sultry Sleeper
You can kind of see some edge in this little one. Not actually ugly in any way. The square beads are pressed glass from the etched lampwork lot, a really cool mustard color.

And here's the biggest kit. Really has some special things in it, including dat fat druzy oh man.

Here it is on its side so you can see where I gold leafed it. Also these fibers cuz I thought they went so well with the colors of the lot. They're holographic, wow.

This one's special because it has matte brown chalk pastel dust blended into all the layers of resin around the edge. In real life you can easily tell it's in the layers of resin and not down at the bottom where the picture is, so it looks super cool and ghostly. I wanna try this again.

Warm pale yellows
I just re-read all this and I sound like such a spaz. In reality a substitute dance teacher at the gym kicked my ass today and I'm barely conscious.

Romantic Profile
Ok now I'm going to tell you my "metida de pata" for today. That translates to ... like when you stick your foot in it. So Mr Devices and I have decided to go to Uruguay next March and I was talking to the Uruguayan lady who makes our reservations. I've never met her, only talked on the phone a couple times but. See, she has the exact perfect Uruguayan voice. I never hear that accent in the US, the Spanish people speak here is nothing like it. And it's more than just an accent or dialect, it's a whole ... it's a whole soul in that voice that is so familiar to me. Cuz who do I ever hear speak that way? My parents, and then when I go to Uruguay, all my extended family.

So it clicked something in my brain where family lives and as I was saying bye I said, "un beso." Which means "a kiss". Which is the equivalent of how here we say "love you" when we're saying goodbye in English.

I said "love you" to a lady I've never met. She kind of laughed and after disconnecting it dawned on me what I'd just said and oh the horror. This is why people hate learning languages, you always sound like a fucking fucktard. I'm always sticking my foot in it.
Well, its' not as bad as the time in Uruguay Mr. Devices kissed a total stranger but. Did I ever tell you about that?

Lover’s Eye
OK, I just listed this last eye. It's a pain cuz in most of these I've been meticulously describing every bit in the kit and that takes so long but then I don't want buyers to think it's just whatever here's a bunch of junk. I want them to treasure each bit as much as I do. On the other hand they have eyes don't they? Idk. I'm trying most of them with meticulous itemized lists and a few with "everything you see here" so we'll see if it makes a difference. Probably not.

Finally, lovely customer sent me this dragon and asked if I could make it into a necklace. I said she might be disappointed because it really didn't need much of anything. I offered to get one of those turkish crescent things to beef it up but she was like Noooo it's perfect I love it, so I was happy.

dammit bitch why are you so inspiring. I mean those kits are so tasty I want to buy them to make things and I don't make things any more! I mean it's 4:30 in the morning and I want to go play with my supplies.
un beso
Penelope said it perfectly; those kits are drool-worthy. I'd be hard-pressed to pick my favorite resin bezel, they are all amazing.
Thanks for the shout-out, though the word is actually c-a-i-r-n, but why quibble?
Oops, d'oh! Ok I fixed it.
Oh man, what a dummy, after I went on about being a grammar nazi and everything.
Thanks autena!
They are called a CAIRN:
A cairn is a human-made pile of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn. Cairns have been and are used for a broad variety of purposes, from prehistoric times to the present. Wikipedia
Thanks for the shout out! I'm working on getting more stuff in the shop
EVERYTHING is amazing Marina!!! Now you've inspired me to start operation "supply organization" and do some kits myself! I made some cool pendants that I'll never use in my creations....so...kits then?
Sorry, now I'm all like Mr. Devices kissed a stranger...oh no he didn't! LOL... just mildly morbidly curious... Love all the thingies!!!
Beautiful, are these available for sale online? need to get them for my wife. Thank you for sharing them with us
Handmade Mother Necklace i'd like your blog! excellent!
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