OK, enough silliness.
Lets get to down to business.
Made some stuuuuuf.
These are almost all gift materials.
Happyfallout. All except for the pearl. And the ear wires and paper. And glue and oxidizer. And magicsauce.
I'm really into these sideways earrings right now. What would you call them? They are similar to hoops or blades, so what would you call them? I mean for the tute I'll be making for these, of course...
Oh! Check it! SacredCake (again?!?!) sent me this bird ages ago. It's made of potmetal and has the consistency of a slice of mozzarella. So I made it this bezel.
But I didn't want to solder or nuthin' so check it: It has hammered wire bendy prongs! Can you see them? Here's the back:
See how it works? I actually put the bird (backwards) against the back side and outlined it. Then poked the holes. Then cut the wire by just holding it up against the holes to see how long it would need to be. Then again hold up the wire and bend at the point of the holes... Ok, this isn't making sense. Let's try this:

And once I got it to this point, I hammer the tiny poke-through bits using the method I shared earlier with the bulbs--> Though I had to put the metal bit on the very corner of my block. What's next? Sanded them. Fit the bird in place. Bent the wires to hold bird snug. Brushed on lots of Jax oxidizer. Yup.
Can't stop thinking about my new line of kits at Hobby Lobby. I think they're going to have an array of pre-mis-matched earring beads. There will be rusty tin already cut and sanded to ring or bracelet size, but the designs on them will be a variety of stickers you can pick from, including one of gold foil. And papered filigree rub-ons.
There will be these:
Because why wouldn't there be? Really anything Tim Holtz makes, I'll have my version. There will be pre-crushed bottle caps, BoddlKaps™, and an array of plastic eyes, JeepersPeeperz™, you can glue inside them with Fancibond™. The best will be my one-step grungy finish that will just be brown paint : Rustic Crust-Stick™. That will be part of my Rustyc Gipsee™ line. . . There will be entire isles devoted to wings- both avian and insectile....
OK, ok, enough! But it's so hard to let go the ridiculousness!
Y'all remember
happyfallout, yes? Well, she's back, her awesome
shop is open and she's still an astrophysicist. She sent me this graphic:
And it made me laugh so much that I actually wasted God knows how many hours --during which I could have been making you more eyecandy-- making this:
But I forgot to add one more category. What Anonymous thinks I do:

But please, anonny, feel free to express your opinion some more. It's the only contribution you've made so far.
Okay, so let me see if I understand this correctly because you see I'm trying really hard to keep up -- you made all this stuuuf, you showed us how you did it, even made some visual aids, and then you are going to have the balls to actually try to get money for it? You suck, fanci.
Oh, damn, I used my name.....
Oh, and, your stuuuufff, is really, really cool.
Hilarious description of your HL kits! Love it. Can't wait for those!
And the sideways earrings should be called: Perpenredonkular! Love'em!
I *meant* Perpendonkular!
The last time I left a comment about this wonderful silliness it wouldn't let me leave a name and I went down as an Anonymous supporter. So, like - uh, I missed out on all the free tips cause I'm late to this group so uh keep the eye candy coming and charge whatever you too. Just kidding on the tipster thing. Love the new earring pieces - are those like front teeth on the flowers. If they are I am so stoked!
Fanci, 2 weeks ago I did this bezel in this piece..see the last photo..
..but I did not hammer the wire.I curved the points and used them to hold the fine wire that I used to wrap the druzy.
Good for those that don't want or don't know how to solder.
I need to go get a Kleenex - you made me laugh until I cried - your Jewelry Maker graphic is so fantastic (of course, the graphic from happyfallout is great - but she is missing the husband graphic... LOL)
The bird is amazing ! And amazingly made too, of course.
I love the graphics. I'll need to do something like that to explain my job, one day. ^^
THERE'S A WIZARD IN THE ROCKET PIC Took me ages to see that!
I need to make one of those. That's freakin hilarious. I especially like the last one- personally I've always seen you in a bathtub full of diamonds. I mean shit- we ALL know what easy money this bein' an artist gig is. Just last week I was able to pay my gas bill on time. GRAVY TRAIN AMIRITE?!
Stregata, thanks!
You see, I don't have a husband :) and my boyfriend is a programmer, so he sees what I _REALLY_ do, since he looks at my code!
How much do I want your Rustic crust stick lol.
What a chock full post of goodness and hilarity. Those top ones, so eye catching. I cant's get enough your designing... and humor... and envy your wealth and riches from all you've accomplished.
I'm still trying to get over that someone gave you a hard time for charging for a tutorial. You could have made more money making more earrings in the time it took to put the tutorial together...am I right?
Keep it coming.
xoxo Kim
Hold on jussa dang minit, Fanci, you are infringing on my Smooshcap and Crudecrud products! Shall I sue for a nuisance settlement? He-hee. Move over, Holtz!
Hot stuff. as usual.
Since I came up with the idea of u selling at hobby lobby I would like a percentage of every thing you sell there. My lawyer will be contacting your lawyer.
Holy shit did I get my point across or what?? Crazy trigger finger...
Lol, best post yet! It's all just gorgeous and now I have that great image of you, a goofy sweet dog playing with a ball.
I'd buy that tutorial on the earrings! Also, I would buy your tutorial on "magicsauce", or "awesomesauce" or "Fancisauce" Any sauce, really.
Wow, just came back from a long period of absence (for work!) and read these recent postings and comments. Honestly, the whole Hate-mail affair just seems to me like a total farce - the best kind of comedy and satire! I love all of those fat-cat-rolling-in-cash pictures - too hilarious! The graphs happyfallout and you made were New-Yorker-worthy, really!
Girlll, you so crazy! Your post made me gauff aloud. Thanks for the giggle.
Nice post, girl :) Love your new line at Hobby Lobby. It will go nicely with the line I'm almost finished featuring taxidermy jewelry,
'Stuffed Fluff'. Maybe they will put us in similar aisles.
Loving what you've done this week.
let me start off by saying how beaUtiful your new creations are...as usual!!! I'm still giggling at the graphics and can't see straight!!! oh, btw, thank you for sharing your tutorial on wire bends prongs...you make everything look so easy. i still am amazed that someone has the nerve to send you hatemail...get a life! i'm loving the sideways earrings!!! Maybe you could call them hoopnbladesiders or something like sidewaysthingamabobbers is catchy. keep the great designs, tutorials and laughter coming our way!!!
You should do stand up comedy at Hobby Lobby, because only crafters would get it.
I love your Rusty Crust-Stick aka brown paint, that is just the kind of marketing that reels me in every time.
I'd buy a Rustik Crust Stik, too. It would be perfect for work on my 'Stuffed Fluff' line, heehee...
Great stuff as usual Fanci!! I love the mini bird piece tute, thanks!
Rosie mentioned all the different kinds of sauces we all speak of...perhaps we should be known as The Sisters of the Sauce!!
Ack I have missed so much since being gone. The graphics that you and Happyfallout put together are hysterical! I love the "What my mom thinks I do"... hee, my mom is right there with you. Hmm your Hobby Lobby line is right on target, I would get such a kick out of seeing "fancibond" and "Rustic Crust Stick".. would have to take pictures with these products. Ok the beaded hoops with amethyst clusters and herkimers are drop dead gorgeous, and I love those tiny teeth in their flower bezels. Brilliant!
Eeeekkk! love that second pair! When will they be listed?
I just found your blog, but I've been a stalker/follower of your Etsy store. You=awesome. :)
And now I=awesome because I now have cool new earrings.
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