How about my dog has the best stink in the world and makes me laugh several times a day? Same with my hubs. Well, no the dog's stink is waaaaaaaaaay better. In fact when and if the hubs stinks its no good at all. You're so glad I went into it. So yeah. Leave a comment if you want in. If you want two entries leave a comment with link to some other where that you plugged my shop. You'll win this guy, good for layering or for adding more charms to.
Here's an excerpt from a convo to Sparrow I was just thinking on. She'd been telling me about how psyched she was to do some house remodeling serious construction-type stuff. Which I was exhausted just reading, but she said she had infinite energy for- not so with jewelry. So this is me:
"no that totally makes sense. some ppl are more comfortable with a certain scale. for me, the scale of jewelry- how it fits in your hands, how it is finger-fiddling size- is just perfect. but i know most ppl, its so small it would drive them nuts. for me the fine-diamond-setting size is nuts-driving. not to mention the ppl who, like, paint on rice and shit. anything that needs magnifying- kill me now. but i know men, for example, are more comfortable at building-construction scale. like i read once an article by this guy wondering why his wife always packs but he always fits the suitcases in the trunks and insists on hauling them around. he said that part of it is just more satisfying to him, the other just a hassle. and his wife thought vice-versa. an actress friend of mine i was like -how can you handle the scale of it... having to interact w/all these ppl on such a huge project. mine is tiny and i dont have to coordinate. she said that she felt like mine was much more of a pain cuz i had to see it thru start to finish, not to mention selling it rigamarole. whereas she shows up, does her part, leaves the hassle to the rest of them.
ok, wow, let me get off this fucking topic already."
Here's a glimpse of hotel. This is so Uruguay.
The ornate bit, the cramped tininess. Of course this is all original from maybe 150 years ago. Sigh.
She called this the Man Cave Bar:
Here's the fountain of lover's locks.
Finally, I had to share this picture she took
How exciting to see my pics on yer blog. I'll macrofy my finds when I get home next week. I kept trying to imagine a gang of theeng craving maniacs trying to stay as a group thruvthe Tristan Navajar market and I had a hard time featuring that scenario. Maybe filling up the man cave bar with giddiness over a quart of Quilmes perhaps!
MACRO~! OMG, yes, go macro!
My prayers have been heard! Thank you, thank you...
...Make that u r u m a c r o .
Yes please, I want in! And that sign is hilarious. Looks like something my Welsh husband who lived in Spain for 7 years would make for dinner.
xoxo J xoxo
I have been eyeing that necklace for a long while. Love, love, love your creations! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself, you inspire me every day!
Aww the mental image of: "My whole body curls up over whatever I'm working on" is really poignant to me. Something almost vulnerable in that, which is made even more touching because you are fearless in so many ways. Thanks for mentioning the new blog! :) Why did I blush so hard when you said "filthy sluts" because I take a sick glee in seeing all the pretties?.. yah. Lucky Kim, I heart that key.... Uruguay is your spiritual home, and that photo of the locks is a visual testament to that.
SHOW ME NOW! hahaha your husband is hilarious!
I get what Kim means, but she and I have been discussing that at length. For me it's England, and I know that everything I do while I live in this country is a world away from what I'll do when I get there. In a sense what I do now has an expiry date that hits the moment I hit Heathrow. Bitches better get on it!
I don't know so much about cool husbands and hotels and incredible hauls of wonderful theengs, but I do know my dog stinks better 'n your dog. We could have a sniff test if only we had a smell o vision app. ZO
three posts in one comment box... here goes..........
LoVe your giveaway! Sign me up! I also follow and promote you on my Pinterest page... don't do fb, blog or tweet. Technologically challenged.
Kimberly's new blog is great. Can't wait for the stories to follow. I have so much stash envy from y'all I can't even focus...
Drooling over all your new jewels. The triple wrap bracelets are fab and what a great idea for destash.
Thanks for sharing your workspace and home with your stalkers. It was pretty much what I pictured you as. Loving your artwork from your previous life as well your uncle's piece.
The cutie patootie pic was perfect. I think we all have at least one with our signature pose.
Thanks for reading my novel... autographed copies are available for purchase in the lobby during intermission. Please be sure to visit our juice and snack bar.
I am happy for Kim to carry out the touraguay on our behalf...she deserves all the loot ...
Ha Ha what is it about liking our dog's body odor , but not at all liking when people have it . It's kinda true. Your blog makes me think about silly things , I love it.
I would love to be entered for the giveaway , and adore the photo of the fountain of lover's locks!
I love laughing, and I love reading your blog and cracking up.
Those masks are OMG, awesome!
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