
Golden Goldies

Soul Eater. Jawbone and Figa Assemblage.Ever been making stuff with a whole plan in place, stuff to do, things you intend, then just find yourself making something completely else? I've had all these pieces in the works. Suddenly find myself having made all these golden things with pearls and rhinestones and pretty buttons. 
Soul Eater. Jawbone and Figa Assemblage.

Soul Eater. Jawbone and Figa Assemblage. So yeah, I grunged 'em up and added a muskrat jawbone just so that I didn't feel like I'd gone totally off the glitter-barbie-rainbows deep end. Still. Odd. Odd to make things that you feel aren't quite 'you'. Cuz they are nice necklaces, I dunno. My mom was loving them and she does not like my stuff. 
And I was looking around fashiony pages on the internet- girls sure are girlie! That's my revelation. I'm just weird I guess. I bite my toenails, I've worn the same outfit for the last 4 days (I know, I'm nasty). And yet this is the normalest I've ever been. And happiest!Thaumaturge- A Worker of Marvels. Assemblage Lariat.


Spirited Earth said...

well i like em too..
hey perhaps you're just showing your range...you've been breakig out with colors for some time now..these are all wonderful pieces..
but pssst..i don't think barbie would wear em. ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL, I agree with Spirited Earth, I don't think Barbie would wear ur stuff, it's too cool!

On another note, how do you store your WIP or completed jewels? I have quite a few things of yours and I don't think a traditional jewelry box will do the job. I read somewhere that someone uses a canvas to "store" jewelry (punches a hole through canvas for earrings, and other things) OR, maybe a good old fashioned string tied horizontally from one to another might be thing...Please share ideas...Thanks!

Anonymous said...

i should proofread my stuff more often

fanciful devices said...

well, anonymous, i focus my creative energy on making them, so I dont have a lot of fancy storage going on. But, yeah, you can get a cheap frame from ikea, pull some fabric over the cardboard insert, poke thumbtacks and hang anything from said tacks. this can also work w/garage sale art, fleamarket finds. also there are these u-pins that you can poke through anything and they're especially made to keen jewelry up: http://www.etsy.com/listing/61839795/jewelry-display-u-pins-silver-tone-200?ref=sr_gallery_14&ga_search_query=u+pins&ga_search_type=supplies&ga_page=&order=&includes%5B0%5D=tags&includes%5B1%5D=title&filter%5B0%5D=supplies

Anonymous said...

thanks fanci! ur IKEA reference reminded me I also need a dresser (it's time to grow up from my cardboard and crate set up)

stregata said...

You are using some different components - but I think these necklaces (that are gorgeous) are still completely you.

Mary Harding said...

Great necklace. Love the components and color.

Anonymous said...

I like the new pieces. They still have your style even though they are a bit more "delicate". And for Anonymous - I hang my jewelry on the branches of some little metal trees I bought from Urban Outfitters a few years ago. I think they still have them for sale.

~Debi said...

Love the new pieces. You find the coolest objects to work with. I mean a muskrat jawbone? Where do you find things like that?